text | 要编辑的文本。 |
style | 可选 GUIStyle。 |
options | 一个可选的布局选项列表,用于指定额外的布局属性。此处传递的任何值都将覆盖 style 定义的设置。另请参阅:GUILayout.Width、GUILayout.Height、GUILayout.MinWidth、GUILayout.MaxWidth、GUILayout.MinHeight、 GUILayout.MaxHeight、GUILayout.ExpandWidth、GUILayout.ExpandHeight。 |
string 用户输入的文本。
此方法的运行方式与 GUILayout.TextArea 一样,但能够正确响应编辑器中的 Select All、Copy、Paste 等操作。\
// Simple script that lets you visualize your scripts in an editor window // This can be expanded to save your scripts also in the editor window.
using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor;
public class TextAreaExample : EditorWindow { string text = "Nothing Opened..."; TextAsset txtAsset; Vector2 scroll;
[MenuItem("Examples/TextArea usage")] static void Init() { TextAreaExample window = (TextAreaExample)GetWindow(typeof(TextAreaExample), true, "EditorGUILayout.TextArea"); window.Show(); }
Object source;
void OnGUI() { source = EditorGUILayout.ObjectField(source, typeof(Object), true); TextAsset newTxtAsset = (TextAsset)source;
if (newTxtAsset != txtAsset) ReadTextAsset(newTxtAsset);
scroll = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView(scroll); text = EditorGUILayout.TextArea(text, GUILayout.Height(position.height - 30)); EditorGUILayout.EndScrollView(); }
void ReadTextAsset(TextAsset txt) { text = txt.text; txtAsset = txt; } }